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Current label: High temperature resistant and high-strength

High temperature resistant and high-strength为你详细介绍 High temperature resistant and high-strength的产品分类,包括 High temperature resistant and high-strength下的所有产品的用途、型号、范围、图片、新闻及价格。同时我们还为您精选了 High temperature resistant and high-strength分类的行业资讯、价格行情、展会信息、图片资料等,在全国地区获得用户好评,欲了解更多详细信息,请点击访问!

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+86 400-618-5164

+86 181-1576-3935

+86 131-4322-7687

Email: asme@ksasme.com

Address: No. 68 Chenjiabang Road, 

Kunshan Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu, China

Kunshan Asmi Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd Copyright record number:苏ICP备18056203号-4 Mainly engaged inFull thread studs, double headed bolts, high-strength bolts, Welcome to inquire! 祥云平台 Provide technical support